Get Into Your Dream Law School…


Get Into Your Dream Law School…


I’ve been there too…

When I was applying to law school, I had big dreams: an Ivy League law school.

But my chances of getting there were slim with an average but not exceptional GPA, a good, but not Ivy League undergrad, and a below median LSAT score.

I wondered how I stood any chance of standing out.

After spending hours on google, reading every law school admissions article or blog post I could get my hands on, I felt even more lost than when I started.

So I turned back to the one thing I did know:


And I used my story (a good, but nothing extraordinary story) to show the best possible version of me to my dream law schools.


The Result

My story – or rather, HOW I shared it – got me into nearly every top 10 law school I applied to with significant scholarship offers, handwritten notes from Deans commenting on how much my personal statement moved them, personal calls asking what it would take for me to attend their school, and the ability to choose which law school I wanted to go to.

Ultimately, it led me to the University of Pennsylvania Law School after receiving the competitive Toll Public Interest Scholarship.

Which became the springboard to a successful career in law clerking for a chief federal judge and working for one of the world’s top law firms.

All thanks to my “story.”

But here’s the thing…I wasn’t “supposed” to have gotten into all those top law schools.

Look to any law school admissions article or forum and all everyone is talking about is your LSAT score or GPA.

Yes, those matter. But I can say with full confidence that those matter less than you think.


Because every admissions cycle my clients get into their dream schools,
even when they don’t have the perfect stats.

“There will always be someone during the application process who will tell you that your LSAT score is too low or your dreams are too big, but Mara encourages those dreams and then helps you achieve them.”


(Attending Georgetown Law with a significant merit scholarship despite her LSAT score being 9 points below Georgetown’s median that year)

“As a result of working with Mara, I’m going to have plenty of options. So far I have 3 admissions offers and 2 scholarship offers that I would never have thought possible.”


(Attending his first choice law school despite having both stats being significantly below the school’s medians.)

“Mara’s help with amplify your applications 10-fold. It takes the right strategy to go to a top law school and Mara knows exactly how to do it. I wouldn’t have gotten into top law schools without help from Mara.”


(Admitted to two T-14 schools (with scholarships!) despite having below median stats for both GPA and LSAT.)

Why some applicants get into schools in spite of their GPA and LSAT, while other highly qualified applicants get flat-out rejected

Just take a quick scroll through Reddit forums and you’ll see tons of qualified applicants experiencing heartbreak.

Like this Reddit applicant with amazing stats, a 3.8, and LSAT score over 175 and still not getting into any of the top schools.

Yet…many of the applicants I work with, without competitive GPAs or LSAT scores have gotten into these top and other dream law schools, even in these ridiculously competitive cycles.

So then what’s the difference?

Their story…and how they present it to law schools.

Let me be clear, I’m not saying your GPA or LSAT don’t matter. Of course they do…law schools care about their rankings.

But what I am saying is that your GPA and LSAT score will never alone be what gets you admitted. And when you have that extra something (your story) you can push out the competition, even if they have much better LSAT or GPA. 

The Good News

Everyone has this unique story. Yes, even you!

And it really is that story that will get you into law school.

But here’s the problem…

Most of us are terrible at examining ourselves objectively and knowing what experiences or traits (our “story”) make us unique. Which makes writing something like a personal statement for law school feel…well, DAUNTING.

And more than that, it’s not just about sharing your story with admissions officers and expecting acceptance offers to start rolling in. It’s sharing a very curated version of your story…a version that speaks to directly what law schools want to see.

There will always be a million different angles and directions you could take with your story. But choosing the right direction is one of the most important decisions you can make:

After all, it can mean the difference between getting accepted and rejected.

I’m not being overly dramatic either.

This is what happened with one of my clients, Raneem, who came to me after getting flat-out rejected from every school she applied to. But after we reworked her application so that it spoke to exactly what law schools were looking for, she got multiple acceptances from the same schools that had previously rejected her…with no change in her stats (which were both below the schools’ medians).


Because with the right support and the right strategies (not the ones from random Reddit users), your law school dreams can come true - even if you don’t have a 4.0, the perfect LSAT score, or the most out-of-this-world story.

With me as your guide you’ll…

Imagine how far you could go with endless support and a curated strategy for your law school application…

that’s what you get when you work with me.

I’m much more than a consultant. In fact, I consider myself your law school COACH because I’m with you every step of the way, from the nitty-gritty details to the high-level strategy calls.

My coaching is 100% individualized to you because to stand out from the crowd, you can’t follow cookie-cutter advice (which means I won’t give it).

Together, we’ll put together a cohesive application that tells the story of you in a way that speaks directly to what admissions officers are looking for. To do that, I have to get to know you. Which means you’ll never be a random name in a spreadsheet.

And this is no bare minimum type of service. You’ll get substantive feedback, constructive edits, and thoughtful advice tailored entirely to you and your goals.

Are you ready to get into your dream law school?

While the specifics will change depending on your background and goals, here’s an overview of what you’ll get when we work together:

1. Compelling Personal Statement

The heart of your law school application, and often the deciding factor in what gets you admitted.

From recent college grads with little experience to those changing careers decades after; to those who have a clear vision of what kind of law they want to practice, to those who have no idea; to the fraternity bro with little else on his resume, to the applicant who seemed to join every club under the planet–I’ve worked with it all.

And the coolest part of seeing all these stories…I’m 100% confident there’s not an applicant out there who doesn’t have a unique story to share and to stand out.

My job is to help you get that story out. With my signature brainstorming process, I’m going to ask you to dig deep because that is where the gold lies. But don’t worry, I’ll guide you in that process, asking pointed questions to draw more out of you, so that you don’t even realize it until you’ve hit the jackpot!

The brainstorming lets me see the entire universe of you and from there, helps guide the right narrative for your personal statement. Using the material from your brainstorm, I’ll give you a detailed outline of the direction I think your personal statement should go:

No wondering what is the best topic, or how to weave disparate experiences together…I’ve got you covered.

Law schools are looking not only for who you are, or what you’ve done but also for how you think. My unique and proven personal statement framework will ensure your essay shows that you are someone who can think analytically and write persuasively–the very skills of a lawyer, and what law schools want to see.

"I don’t want to know what my personal statement would’ve looked like without the brainstorming process."


(attending Columbia law despite having a below-median LSAT score)


2. Unlimited Editing for ALL your materials

If you’re expecting someone to just check for grammar, spelling, or typos, you can use Word, or a friend, or a freelancer on Fiverr. What you’re getting from me is substantive expertise about the content and style that law schools are looking for. Which means I am incredibly hands-on, with substantive feedback…for as many drafts as it takes to get it perfect. This applies to ALL your law school materials–resume, personal statement, diversity statement, supplemental essays–and even materials tangentially related–like your email to the admissions office or email to your recommenders helping guide their recommendation letter. Everything will have my expertise and hands-on edits.

3. Strategy Decisions

The best applications (those where applicants get into schools beyond their stats) have a cohesive narrative running through. Meaning everything in your application needs to be consistent with the narrative you’re presenting.

This is where strategy comes into play–with decisions over essay topic ideas for every essay, whether and how to write addenda, who to ask for letters of recommendation and how to guide them in writing the most impressive letter, what law schools to apply to, and anything end everything else that comes up.

4. Peace of Mind

The law school admissions process can feel intimidating and daunting. I’m here to ease your anxiety and make sure you know exactly what to do and when. We’ll use the project management platform, Basecamp, to keep us on task and moving forward…because with rolling admissions, the sooner you can get in, the better!

 In between calls, you’ll always be supported, with audio and text messaging in Voxer, we will collaborate daily.

5. We Don’t Stop After Submit

(AKA: You’ll also have me to support you for interviews, scholarship negotiations, waitlist strategies, 1L prep, and more!)

After you submit your applications, you’ll have interviews to prepare for, scholarships to negotiate, waitlists to consider, and schools to select. I’ll be with you for all of it.

You’ll have access to my exclusive interview prep guide with a bank of real questions asked, and I’ll conduct a mock interview and give you constructive feedback…so that you go into the interview confident and ready.

When it’s time to figure out your schools, I’ll help guide you with strategies on negotiating scholarships…that have resulted in clients getting many thousands of dollars more in scholarship money), and navigating the long waitlists… with clients actually getting off the waitlists and into their dream schools.

When it comes time to decide on what school to attend (because with the application you submitted, you’ll have choices!), I’ll give you my perspective as a former member of a hiring team for one of the top firms in the world…because law school is just the beginning, not the end.

And finally, right before you start law school, I’ll give you a 1L prep session so you can walk into your first day of class ready to be at the top of your class…and kickstart your dream career.

Hear More In-Depth From Some of My Past Clients

Are you ready to get into the law school of your dreams?

How to Stand Out & Get Admitted to the Law School of Your Dreams


How to kickstart your personal statement and get into your dream law school

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