Top Law School Admissions Consulting & Coaching

Are you looking for a law school admissions consultant?

You’re in the right place. As an Ivy League-trained lawyer turned law school admissions coach, I help law school applicants get admitted to their top schools…even if you don’t have the highest LSA or best GPA or your story feels too “generic.”

That’s how I’ve helped applicants (even those with less-than-great stats) get accepted to law schools like Chicago Law School, Berkeley Law School, UCLA, Harvard Law School, and so many more.

This strategy will get you into your dream law school

I work with JD applicants who have big dreams – whether you want to work in academia, BigLaw, public interest, politics, or somewhere else.

Because the thing is: you don’t need the perfect stats to get admitted to your dream law school. What you do need is a proven strategy that speaks directly to what admissions officers are looking for.

And that’s what my customized law admissions consulting offers you. In fact, I’m more than a consultant – I’m a law school coach. I help you through every step of the process, from the high-level strategy to the nitty gritty of your application.

(My own story? I used to be in your shoes and ended up getting accepted to almost all of my top schools and chose the University of Pennsylvania Law School after receiving the competitive Toll Public Interest Scholarship.)

The most important thing is…you can’t use cookie-cutter advice if you want to stand out from the crowd. To tell YOUR story, I need to get to know you – and to do that, we work closely together.

As part of my law school consulting, you get substantive feedback, thoughtful advice so you can achieve your goals, and constructive edits.

Ultimately, I LOVE helping people like you get accepted to the law school you’ve been dreaming of, so that you can build your dream career.

And it works – just like these clients can testify:

What’s included in my Top Law School Admissions Consulting?

When we work together, you’ll get (depending on what you need for your application, but this is a high-level overview)…

Law school personal statement

First, we have your personal statement. And yes, your personal statement matters…a lot! A personal statement can be the deciding factor whether you get admitted to your top law school or not, even if you don’t have perfect stats.

So we go deep! My job as your law school consultant is to get your story out. We use my proven, personal statement framework to show law school admissions committees that you have the characteristics they’re looking for in a candidate. We’ll figure this out by going through my brainstorming process – we sift until we’ve found the gold.

However, once we have a topic and you’ve written your first draft, we’re not done. I give substantive feedback based on my years of experience. I won’t just check grammar or spelling…I’ll make sure the ideas and narrative is as strong as it can be.

Law school resume, diversity statement, and addendum

Your personal statement isn’t the only law school material we work on. You also have your resume, letters of recommendation, and possible diversity statement and addenda. I guide you through everything (even things like your emails to the admissions office).

Because having a cohesive narrative throughout your application is key. And that’s the type of strategy we work on, so that we make the right topic decisions for every essay.

Strategic advice

We sit down to build the best strategy for you, including what law schools to apply to, how to write the best addenda, and how to ask the right people for letters of recommendation…and everything in between!

We keep it all organized to keep us on track and ease a lot of that anxiety around admissions processes. In between our calls, we collaborate daily through Voxer, an audio and text messaging app. I am always there for you.

Interview help, scholarship advice, and more

Our work doesn’t stop when you submit your application. After that, we work on:

  • Preparing for interviews: We hold a mock interview based on my interview prep guide so that you nail your interview.
  • Negotiating scholarships: This, in itself, can lead to scholarships that cover my consulting fees and more.
  • Navigating waitlists: You’ll learn how to get off the walists and into your dream school.
  • Choosing the right law school: I’ll guide you on what law school to choose based on my experience as a former member of a hiring team for one of the top firms in the world.
  • Preparing for 1L: You’ll learn how to navigate law school from day one with a 1L prep session.

For more information on my services, take a look at my consulting page. 

What is it like working with me?

What types of results do my law school admission clients get?

Almost all of my clients have been admitted into one of their top ten schools with a scholarship.

Even though they didn’t have the best LSAT or GPA scores.

Just like Taylor – who didn’t have the best LSAT score:

Law school admissions is a rollercoaster. You will probably be placed in positions you never thought you’d be in, and you will have to make decisions you never thought you’d have to make. Mara helped me through every roadblock and curve that came my way. It is worth it to have someone who has not only gone through it but has experience helping others get through the process.” – Abby S. 

I initially contacted Mara to help simply proofread essays and give advice on the small things. Little did I know that I would be going through countless drafts and dive deep into introspection that ultimately resulted in an application that truly represented who I am. Reaching out was the best decision I made for my law school application journey.” – Elizabeth O. (Berkeley Law with below median LSAT score) 

Mara was incredible! Her help will amplify your applications 10 fold. It takes the right strategy to go to a top law school and Mara knows exactly how to do it. I wouldn’t have gotten into top law schools without help from Mara.” – Turner H. 

When I imagined applying to law school I never imagined the process/cycle I ended up having. At no point did I know what was going to happen next. Mara helps with that. She helps you craft the best application that represents you and once it’s been submitted she helps you work through all the options that come from acceptances, rejections, and waitlists. I am so glad I had her during the process and I am confident in my school decision and my future in law. I can’t recommend her enough. From our first call to my final decision it was a pleasure working with her.” – Katelyn K., University of Nebraska 

Read more success stories here. 

Frequently asked questions about law school admissions consulting 

Want to understand if my law school admissions consulting is for you? 

Here are the most common questions I get on the consulting and application processes. 

Is law school admissions consulting worth it?

Whether law school consulting is worth it depends on your goals. Is law school a choice you make because you truly want to? Have you considered all the costs and rewards of going to law school? Are you open-minded about the process and willing to take advice on how best to apply to law schools? 

Ask yourself these questions before you apply to work with any law school admissions consultants to make sure you’re applying to law school because you want to. 

When should we start working together? 

You can start as early as May before your admissions cycle. But typically, applicants sign up between June and October. 

Should I have my LSAT score before I start working with you? 

That’s up to you. If we start working together before you get your LSAT score, we can work together to ace the test. 

Can you guarantee I get into a particular law school? 

No, I can’t guarantee results! Together, we create a list of your top ten law schools based on things like what your dream schools are and where you will most likely get accepted. The majority of my clients have gotten into at least one of their top ten schools…and most often, they get multiple offers. 

What’s your success rate? 

Almost all of my clients have gotten accepted to at least one of their top ten schools with scholarships. The law schools they’ve been admitted to include many T-14 law schools such as Columbia Law School, Harvard Law School, and Chicago Law School. 

An overview of the law school admissions process 

The law school application process takes its toll. And to help you navigate through it, I compiled a checklist of your most important law school application dates: 


  • Take LSAT practice tests to get a diagnostic score. 
  • Research LSAT prep courses. 
  • Check LSAT test dates and when registration opens for those. 


  • Aim to register for the Credential Assembly Services (CAS), a service provided by the Law School Admission Council and required by most ABA-approved law schools. 


  • Ask your colleges to send transcripts to CAS. 
  • Choose which law schools you want to apply to. 


  • Ask for letters of recommendation. 
  • Start working on your personal statement. 


  • Try to submit all your law school applications by early November.

This is a high-level overview, not everyone’s timeline will be the same. 

Want to tailor the approach to YOUR specific circumstances? 

Get my FREE training that walks you through how to get admitted to your dream law school, even if you don’t have the perfect LSAT/GPA scores or a unique story.

How to Stand Out & Get Admitted to the Law School of Your Dreams


How to kickstart your personal statement and get into your dream law school

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